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Top 5 reasons to choose Whey protein Isolate

Top 5 reasons to choose Whey protein Isolate


whey protein

 Whey protein is one of the most popular supplements out in the fitness community and in the general bodybuilding community due to the enormous advantages that it has to offer. Whey protein is not only a complete source of protein but is one of the convenient, high-quality sources of protein that anyone can add to their diet to fulfill their daily protein intake and meet their fitness goals 

Now there are two types of whey protein that are available, which is whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate and most people have this notion and confusion about which is the best protein one should go with, Hence in this blog, we will have that crisp discussion about the two and why there are some advantages of using whey protein isolate.

Now there are two types of whey protein that are available, which is whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate and most people have this notion and confusion about which is the best protein one should go with,

Hence in this blog, we will have that crisp discussion about the two and why there are some advantages of using whey protein isolate

What is WPC?

whey protein

WPC stands for whey protein concentrate, it is the first form of whey protein that is extracted from the milk, which gives you a complete source of protein, rich in protein and a convenient source of protein, which still have some unwanted substance like carbs, lactose and some sugar present in it. 

WPC stands for whey protein concentrate, it is the first form of whey protein that is extracted from the milk, which gives you a complete source of protein, rich in protein and a convenient source of protein, which still have some unwanted substance like carbs, lactose and some sugar present in it.

What is WPI?

whey protein

 It stands for whey protein isolate, the furthermore and the purest form of protein that one can consume, it's free from all unwanted things that WPC has, like lactose, carbs, and some sugar, it's basically the purest form of whey protein concentrate. This is high in protein per serving content as well.

1. Lactose-Free

One of the main advantages that WPI has to offer over WPC is that is free from the sugar present called lactose, now not all of us are intolerant to this sugar but most of the population is certainly intolerant to lactose or not able to digest it very well, which is why a lot of people have common issues like bloating and digestion issues.

Thus opting for WPI is a better option for everyone as it makes the digestion and absorption of whey protein quite efficient and smooth.

 2. High amount of protein content per serving

Protein per serving of WPI is little more than that of WPC, which is you get about high quality 27-30gm protein per serving of WPI whereas on the normal protein powders (22-24gm), which is you get more amount of Protein powder per serving and hence it proves to be a better option when it comes to any of your fitness goals.

3. Fast Digestion and absorption

Now more than the protein content its the rate at which protein can digest and assimilate in your body, if the protein is not getting well digested or absorbed in your body, the protein that you are eating is of no use since it won't be used in any of the metabolic processes.

Thus this is why we speak a lot about gut health these days because if your body is not able to digest or assimilate the protein that you are consuming, there is absolutely no advantage that food will add to your body.

That's why WPI holds a little edge over WPC because of its good digestion process.

4. Great for muscle growth and fat loss

Now one thing that your body requires when you want to build on some muscle tissues or lose some fat is protein, as muscle tissues require a chain of amino acids to build and repair, which you get by eating an adequate amount of protein on a daily basis, now this amount of daily protein intake varies from person to person and their respective goals, the min range, if you want to lose weight in a healthy way, is to consume about 1-1.5 gm of protein per kg of your body weight, if you want to bulk up this range can shoot up 2 gm and if you just want to maintain a healthy body the least you should be eating is 0.8 gm of protein per kg of your body weight.

You can do the math according to your body weight and start eating protein in that term, thus here whey protein powders help you a lot by making the whole process easier.

 5. Helps in fat loss

whey protein

Now if you are someone who wants to lose fat(which is the most common fitness goal), the trick or way to lose weight is simple and demands some consistency, which is to workout(train your muscles), eat healthy food in a calorie deficit and make sure that you consume an adequate amount of protein in order to preserve muscles mass and keep your metabolism in a healthy space.

Now as mentioned above you need to take the protein according to your body weight, thus for instance if you are a healthy 80 kg man, your daily protein intake would be around 110-130 gm, which can be a tough task to complete if you rely on only food, that's where the role of these supplements come in and makes your process easier.


Whey protein concentrate has to be one of the most significant inventions that has been made in the health and fitness community, not only does whey protein helps you to meet your daily protein intake easily but it also gives you a convenient source of completeness that you can consume anytime anywhere.

It is 100% vegetarian, which is a great addition to the protein stack for all vegetarian folks. Whey protein isolate is a complete safe and authentic supplement that you can add safely to meet your fitness and health goals.

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