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Role of Protein in Women's Health

Role of Protein in Women's Health


Do you also believe that eating protein will make you gain fat or look bulky? Then, let us tell you that you are accepting a myth. Women need protein just as much as men. Furthermore, adult women between the ages of 31 and 59 need 5-6 ounces of protein daily.

It is an essential nutrient that helps maintain a healthy and fit body, develops muscle, and repairs muscle fibers. But do you know what crucial role proteins play in women’s health? Let's learn.

What is Protein?

Proteins are the unsung heroes of the biological world, playing a critical role in virtually every cellular process. From the intricate machinery of muscles to the highly selective antibodies shielding our immune system, these multifaceted molecules are the functional workhorses of life.

The functional repertoire of proteins is vast and impressive. Some act as enzymes, accelerating vital chemical reactions within cells. Others serve as antibodies, recognizing and neutralizing harmful pathogens.

Proteins are vital for all living organisms. They are essential for the growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues, as well as for regulating metabolic processes, generating energy, and fighting disease.

What is the role of Protein in Women’s Health?

Whether you are a housewife, an athlete, or an office woman, adding protein to your diet offers numerous benefits tailored to women’s health. Let us look into the top 5 roles protein plays in a women’s health.

Role of Protein

Management of Weight

If you are trying hard to manage your weight, eating enough protein is the advice we want to give you. Consuming protein during daily meals can help you feel fuller for longer and even reduce cravings and munching. Moreover, your body burns more calories while eating protein than any other macronutrient.

Muscle Growth

Protein is one of the essential components in building muscle tissues that increase the body’s ability to burn food for energy. A person's resting metabolic rate increases with the amount of muscular tissue they have.

Consuming enough food facilitates long-term muscle repair and growth. Microtears and exhaustion occur in your muscles when you lift weights or work out. Here's where protein becomes essential. The body breaks down the protein, and the amino acids are then utilized to mend the tears and build stronger muscles.

Post Workout Recovery

Amino acids, or the building blocks of protein, help the muscles repair and grow. While exercising, our muscles enter a catabolic state, which breaks down the tissues. After the completion of exercise, the muscles transition into an anabolic state and prepare to rebuild.

Eating protein after an hour of exercise can help you capitalize on your anabolic window, ensuring your muscle tissues are ready to recover.

Hunger Control

Protein increases appetite as well as satiety. Getting enough protein throughout the day helps control cravings and the general appetite. Keeping your overall intake of macronutrients balanced is an excellent strategy to control your appetite and hunger. Although the body requires protein, it also needs whole grains, many fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats.
Keeps your Hair, Skin, and Nails Healthy
Protein is crucial to keeping your hair, skin, and nails healthy. Collagen in protein, which composes 70% of the skin, keeps your skin from aging, which could include puffy eyes, brittle nails, and dull hair.

Adding enough protein to your diet will help you synthesize collagen in your skin.

Signs You Are Not Eating High Protein

Whoever you ask, you will get advice regarding what to eat and what not to eat, but has someone offered advice on eating more protein and putting yourself at risk? No right. Check out the below signs you must be ignoring, which can tell a lot about your protein intake.

Swelling: The most common sign of low protein intake is swelling or edema in your abdomen, legs, feet, or hands.

Mood Swings: The chemicals your brain uses, neurotransmitters, consist of amino acids and the building blocks of protein. A lack of protein means your body cannot make those neurotransmitters, which would change how your mind works.
Hair, Nails, and Your Skin are at risk: Protein is also present in your hair, nails, and skin, and if your diet is low on protein, you could have thinning hair, dry skin, and deep ridges on your fingernails.

Weakness: According to research, one week of inadequate protein intake can impact the muscles in charge of your posture and movement, particularly if you're 55 or older. Additionally, a low-protein diet can cause you to lose muscle mass gradually.

How Much Protein Do Women Need?

You might need clarification to read a whole bunch of articles about the role of protein, but not any stating how much protein a woman should take. So, adult women may require approximately 46 grams daily.

protein-rich diet

If you drink too much, you may gain weight, experience kidney difficulties, or get irritable. If you drink too little, you may experience weakness, fatigue, or muscle loss. Females' daily protein needs vary depending on their age, degree of exercise, desired body type, amount of muscle mass, and general health.
Essentials You may include in your protein-rich diet
Lacking nutrients, especially protein, in your diet can lead to more than we realize. Thus, to ensure optimal function of the body and to achieve that, one should include the below given organic protein sources in their diet:

  • Meats and poultry products have about 26 grams of protein in them
  • Seafood consists of about 29 grams of protein
  • Eggs have 13 grams of proteins
  • Beans and legumes are made of about 5 grams of protein
  • Dairy products have 1.6 grams of protein


However, the reality of our busy lives often forces us to compromise on our nutritional diet. If you are a woman, juggling between home and office gets your meals pushed aside, and protein-rich ingredients gather dust in the pantry. This protein gap can lead to fatigue, muscle loss, and more.

That is where BigMuscles Whey Protein comes in. Whey Protein is a high-quality, fast-absorbing protein powder that is perfect for busy lifestyles. It's an easy preparation, quick, and delicious protein shake. With 25 grams of protein per serving, you can meet your daily protein needs without having to eat a ton of food.


Undoubtedly, protein powders are a handy way to help you fulfill your protein needs if you have trouble getting enough in your diet. Certified brands such as Big Muscles may help get hold of the necessary high-grade protein. Not only will it help you meet the necessary requirements of the body, but it will also protect you from illness that comes with its deficiency.

So, visit the website to explore the different flavors and options of Big Muscles Whey Protein and unlock a world of convenience and fitness with just a shake.


Q1: What is the target protein for a woman?
Ans. Adult women should take 0.75g of protein daily. If the woman is pregnant, breastfeeding, or over 70 years of age, she should take 1 gram of protein daily.

Q2: What happens if a woman does not get enough protein?
Ans. Not getting enough protein may weaken a woman’s bones and have adverse effects on women’s health.

Q3: What happens if a woman consumes too much protein?
Ans. If a woman consumes too much protein, she can experience symptoms such as intestinal discomfort, dehydration, nausea, and fatigue.

Q4: Can a lack of protein affect the menstrual cycle?
Ans. Indeed, there is a clear link between low protein intake and menstruation, as low protein can lead to irregular or missed cycles.

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