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Does Whey Protein Make You Gain Weight?

Does Whey Protein Make You Gain Weight?


There are several misconceptions in today's world about gaining and losing weight. Some people feel that they can eat only a specific amount of food almost without gaining weight. In contrast, other people believe that a few bites of the wrong type of food will instantly increase their weight. Fortunately, for those who are enthusiastic about fitness, the physics behind gaining or losing weight comes down to a simple formula: calories in versus calories out. You will increase your weight as long as you consume more calories than you are burning.

Even with a strong understanding of nutrition science, it is pretty difficult to consistently make healthy food choices. A disciplined individual who has the best intentions can find themselves getting stuck on their journey of losing or gaining weight because of the lack of understanding of the calorie profiles of the food which they are consuming.

How Protein Helps in Building Muscles?

Protein is one of the nutrients that is sometimes understood. Because of its association with building muscles, many people believe that consuming whey protein powder or supplements in any form will lead to gaining it.

But the truth behind this is that protein alone or any other type of macronutrient, including fats and carbs, does not have the power to make you gain weight. One can only gain weight by consuming more calories than they are burning in the context of gaining weight; it does not matter what you consume to create a calorie surplus. It is always best to get your energy from the nutrient-dense calories that will keep you feeling complete for the whole day. 

Truth behind Whey Protein led to Weight Gain

The specific answer to this question depends upon the mixture you consume and how you consume it. We make protein blends for people trying to gain weight mainly to build muscles or maintain endurance. This kind of mixture intentionally has more carbohydrates and calories than some of the other mixtures.

Weight Gain
  • Some protein powder mixtures are available in the market with ingredients that lead to loss in both cases, and the timing and quantity of protein conception are as crucial as the ingredients present in them.
  • Both weight loss and weight gain are only about the intake of calories. If someone consumes many servings of protein powder in a single day or any other kind of food or best whey protein supplements, then the overall calorie intake might increase, leading to an increase in weight.
  • If you want to maintain or lose weight, you have to stick to the recommended daily serving for your mixture.
  • Your weight mainly depends on the quantity and quality of the food you consume throughout the day and your high-quality protein.

Several resorts indicate that consuming excessive amounts of processed food and inappropriate timing of meals can lead to an increase in weight; therefore, with a careful moderate ring of your daily diet plan, you can make sure that you are getting enough grams of protein, which will help you in building muscles without adding any exercise body fat.

Does whey protein increase belly fat?

Whey proteins, whether consumed in foods or a mixture of healthy protein powder, will only increase weight or fat if supplement practices exceed the overall value of calories needed by our body. As mentioned here, if you are consuming more calories than you are burning, whether in the form of Whey Protein shakes or any other type of whey protein, your body will store the excess energy. This regional distribution of fat when gaining weight depends on several factors, which include age, gender, and genetics. Most people typically lose weight around their midsection last and add it first.

Can you gain weight without working out after Consuming Protein Shakes?

One of the essential parts of controlling your weight is working out. It can be done through resistance training or cardio exercise. One can burn calories by doing Resistance training. It will also provide you with several health benefits like improving your hands and strength and increasing muscle mass because of the value of working out in case of lean muscle growth and overall health. Everyone should do regular exercise in some form. But if you are consuming Protein shakes and not working out, it does not mean you will gain weight.

Factors which led to Gain in Weight

Weight Gain

There are several factors which played a role when it comes to gain in weight:-

Caloric Surplus

Intake of more calories than the required amount by your body led to increase in body weight. If you have protein powder and eat a balanced or high-calorie diet without accounting for the extra calories, then you may store energy as fat, eventually increasing weight.

Lack of Physical Activity

A lazy lifestyle leads to increased weight because our body uses less energy with less activity. We can burn calories and maintain a healthy weight by performing regular physical activities 

Protein intake is proportional to muscle growth

When should you consume protein in an amount which is suitable for your body's muscle growth? Consuming excess protein without providing the body with a liquid stimulus for developing muscle through resistance training can increase weight if the excess calories are not expanded.

Protein powder and weight loss

Several people think that protein powder leads to weight gain; however, several research studies show that consuming more protein than supplements may lead to weight loss when consumed by energy output being more than energy input.

Side effects and benefits of whey protein.

Protein is essential to any weight gain strategy; therefore, it is a critical nutrient in building muscles. Your body needs access to branch-chain amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, as fuel for muscle protein synthesis. It is important to take complete protein sources with essential amino acids that your body cannot synthesize alone.

One significant drawback of increased protein consumption is feeling full, which can make it very hard for some people to reach their daily calorie goals. For weight gain, it is recommended that one should consume around 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight, and it can go higher depending on your overall daily plan of calories.


While concluding this article, we would like to tell you that there is no scientific proven theory which will prove that consumption of Whey Proteins led to Weight Gain. This means that you consume whey protein but only in the required amount by your body. 

Whey Protein products by BigMuscle Nutrition are good as it is one of India's leading food supplement brands.These products are not only affordable but will also give you the best quality. So, if you want to purchase any health supplement among all the products available in the marketplace, you can surely opt for big muscle nutrition.

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