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7 Ways to Maximize Protein Digestion and Absorption

7 Ways to Maximize Protein Digestion and Absorption


If you are taking proper diet, going to gym regularly and taking protein in every meal but still not gaining muscle mass then there are chances that your body is not absorbing the protein you are consuming. The consumption of protein is necessary for building muscles but the digestion of protein you are consuming is more important. Not all the proteins get digested by the body but there are certain things that you can do which will help your body in absorbing protein more efficiently. 

How does protein get digested in your body? 

Amino acids get absorbed in the lining of the small intestine and transported to the liver. Various pancreatic enzymes like trypsin and chymotrypsin present in the small intestine further break down peptides into amino acids. After this the brush powder enzymes present on the intestinal cells will break down dipeptides and tripeptides into individual Amino acids for easy absorption.

Protein Digestion

Amino acids are absorbed in the bloodstream through the lining of the small intestine and then they get transported into the liver. In the liver they are used to build new proteins, provide energy or convert into other molecules. Unused amino acids can be stored or converted into glucose or fat. With the help of this process proteins from our diet get broken down into essential amino acids which will help in various body functions. 

Ways to increase absorption of protein 

There are certain methods by which you can increase by absorption of protein: 

  • Proper digestion 

The main reason why your body is not absorbing protein might be due to poor digestion. One needs to focus on improving their good health and eat food rich in probiotics and antioxidants. This will help in boosting that digestion process. 

  • Drinking of water 

As we all know that the human body is 70% water but still there are many people who continue to think that drinking enough water is not as important. If there is not sufficient water present in your body then it makes it difficult for the body to eliminate toxins. Also consuming too much protein might cause dehydration. It is important to drink a glass of water every hour to keep your body hydrated. 

  • Consume more complex carbohydrates

Both protein and carbohydrates are required for muscle building. On one side protein helps in building muscles carbohydrates help in replenishing them. Carbohydrates are easily broken down into glucose and get absorbed quickly in the body. This is why bodybuilders eat chicken rice all the time because the presence of carbohydrates with protein will not only speed up the digestion process but will also increase the absorption of protein in the body. 

  • Eat in small portions 

While eating we frequently do not consider the content of calories and macronutrients. It might happen that you are eating protein in large amounts which makes it difficult for your body to digest. The human body cannot absorb more than 30 grams of protein. This is the only reason that the scoop of protein supplements comes with 24 grams of protein. So if you are eating two chicken breasts at once it is time for you to stop and divide your protein into smaller portions. 

One can log their food in calorie counting apps every time they eat. This will help them in getting a clear picture of how much protein they have consumed and what kind of minerals they are lacking.

  • Always Check your Time

Our body craves protein the most after waking up or after you workout. Consuming protein right after your workout will accelerate recovery and muscle building. Therefore next time you stop sweating look for protein rather than water. 

  • Consume food rich in protease Enzyme

Proteas is a necessary digestive enzyme which helps in The breakdown of protein into smaller peptides and amino acids. This will help in improved protein absorption. Protease rich food include fig, kiwi, mango, papaya, pineapple and yogurt. 

  • Chew slowly

It is very important to chew your food slowly and thoroughly. This will allow the food to break down optimally in the pancreas. Every time when you eat your food quickly there is a rush of protein and amino acids in your stomach. This causes bloating and will also alter your immune system which eventually results in health issues.

Habits to follow for increasing protein digestion and absorption 

It is important to choose the right protein source but you can also adopt certain health habits which will help you in getting the most out of the food you eat these include:-

Protein Digestion
  • Eating regularly throughout the day 
  • Chewing your food properly and thoroughly 
  • Reducing the amount of stress 
  • Always avoid intense exercise right after the meal. 
  • Limit your conception of alcohol 
  • Manage any underlying condition which affect digestion such as diabetes or liver disease
  • Taking Probiotics which can improve the adsorption of protein. 
  • Eating protein throughout the day rather than eating all at once 
  • Follow a proper and regular exercise routine.


In the end we would like to say that Protein is a necessary nutrient for almost every part of our body. It gets digested in our mouth, stomach and small intestine before it gets released into the bloodstream as individual amino acids. All of us want that our efforts in the gym and kitchen will give us best results.

They get started with making sure that our body is utilizing the protein we are consuming properly. From choosing high quality protein sources to incorporating the digestive enzyme supplements and maintaining proper hydration we can make sure that our body is digesting and absorbing the protein properly.

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